Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A letter to our baby boy...

Dear Croix,

Wow. When people say "time flies" they sure aren't kidding around. I remember when I first told your Daddy that I was pregnant with you. It was January 18, 2013. It was the happiest day of our lives. We prayed so hard for you. Spending the past nine+ months with you inside of my belly was absolutely magical. Pregnancy was nothing I expected. I didn't think I would end up loving it this much.  Even though you gave me some serious ALL DAY sickness for 49 straight days, I'd say that the past nine+ months of my life have been my favorite so far. My favorite part of carrying you inside of my belly would be to feel you moving around. I love it so much. It's a constant reminder of how lucky we are to have you. Your Daddy and I were just sitting in the kitchen eating dinner talking about how crazy it is for us to wrap our heads around the fact that we are going to be responsible for a human being: YOU. We knew from the start of our relationship that we wanted you. And now, after 39+ longs weeks of waiting, you are finally on your way. You are going to be in our arms in less than seven days. We cannot wait to hold you, squeeze you, kiss you, change your first diaper, give you your first feeding, give you your first bath, introduce you to your fantastic family members, celebrate your first holiday: halloween and snuggle with you! It's crazy how much we love you already and we haven't even met. Your Daddy teases me all the time about how he hopes you are going to get his looks but you will see in time that what he really means is that he hopes you get MY looks because I am cuter than him (and I'm sure you will agree when you see me for the first time). You have so many people looking forward to your arrival. You have two options at this point: 1) You can come on your own between now and 5:00 PM September 26, 2013 or 2) We are going to force you out starting at 5:00 PM on September 26, 2013. We hate to be that way but we are too excited to wait one more second of life without you. We love you so very much and feel so blessed that God chose you to be our little baby boy. 


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