Wednesday, May 22, 2013

22 weeks

Close up:

How far along? 22 weeks

Size of baby: Baby is the size of a spaghetti squash! About 8 inches long. 

Total weight gain:  6 lbs. 

Maternity clothes? Nope. Still rocking my work dresses and cotton dresses on the weekend. 

Stretch marks? No.  Although I MAY be getting some on my girls (if you know what I mean). Which I'm not too sad about. If those things are growing...I'll take the marks! They better just stay that way. 

Sleep: Better this week. John has informed me that I breathe strange during the night. Like taking deep breaths. I tell him it's because I'm having nightmares about giving birth (which is true). I am deathly AFRIAD of giving birth. I don't care what you (or the other 100 people have told me)- it's not "natural" to push an 8 pound, 20-something inch baby out of your hoo-ha! Not to mention, I do not deal well with pain. I'm a wuss. BUT, I will survive and am willing to go through anything for this baby boy to get here safe and healthy. 

Best moment this week:  Noticing that this belly is 
poppin' out like a real baby belly. And I think I could use this for every week but, I really love feeling him move around. And boy does he do it A LOT.  I think it's safe to say that Baby Boy loves 7 layer dip and anything with sugar-- that's when he really goes to town in there. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week :) 

Gender: Boy!

Belly Button in or out? INNIE

Wedding rings on or off? On and they get tight during the day if I am outside. My hands swell up like nobody's business when I am out at recess with the kids or out walking. 

Miss Anything? I actually don't miss anything this week. I was just telling someone yesterday that starting at 20 weeks I have been LOVING pregnancy. Absolutely loving it. I love my belly. I love the way it looks in my clothes. I love this baby and his constant kicking! :)

Food cravings: I had been craving 7 layer dip so my Mom finally made me some. But I have to confess, it's only 5 layers because I don't like two of them. This baby, he LOVES "7" layer dip too. He bounces around in there for a good 10 minutes every time I eat it! Sadly, today I ate the last of it. Mom...I need another batch, ASAP! ....for the baby of course ;)

Labor Signs: No

Symptoms: I got sick one time this week and I was so sad about it. Literally. I was praying that it wasn't a relapse. Luckily, it didn't happen the next morning. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. Thankful. Lucky. Blessed. Thank you God for this Baby Boy whom I love so much already. 

Looking forward to: Painting the nursery this weekend. John will be doing it of course. I'm just the supervisor. He loves when that happens! Haha. We are going to paint one accent wall in a dark navy blue. The crib will be here by the end of next week and the dresser won't be coming in until the end of June. I'll be sure to post pics. 

Can you believe that in 2 weeks I will be 6 months along? Where is the time going? Only 18 weeks left. 136 days. 

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