Thursday, May 2, 2013

19 weeks.

A very special Happy Birthday to my sweet and loving Husband!! 
Baby Moon and I love you very much! 

Close up:

How far along? 19 weeks

Size of baby: Baby boy is the size of a Mango! About 6 inches long and weighs about .5 lbs! 

Total weight gain:  1.5 lbs. so far.

Maternity clothes? Not yet. Bought another dress this week- still not maternity but just the next size up that I'm used to wearing. & FYI- I am going to be living in dresses this summer- that is a fact, Jack. 

Stretch marks? No. 

Sleep: Well, sleep was going great. Now, not so much. I am waking up constantly throughout the night. Peeing, or just uncomfortable. OR John's snoring. Gotta love him and that snoring. 

Best moment this week:  Honestly? Trying this new ice cream for the first time. It's called Talenti Gelato. I'm telling you taste buds are ON HIGH ALERT and this ice cream is tasting like pure heaven. Sea Salt Carmel. WOW. It will be a weekly purchase at Publix, that's for sure. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Well, the smell of my kids this week is killing me. 

Gender: B-O-Y!

Belly Button in or out? in

Wedding rings on or off? on

Miss Anything? Bologna. I canNOT get a bologna sandwich out of my head. I begged John to let me just have oneeeee piece on bread and he will not go for it! "Doctor's orders!"

Food cravings: Potatoes still. I've had a baked potatoes with sour cream 3 nights this week and today I stopped by Checker's for some fries. YUM. Carbs. 

Labor Signs: No

Symptoms: Morning sickness has been a hit or miss this week. Slowly dying off! Woo. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happppppy. I am loving my belly. I thank God everyday for this little boy in my tummy. I cannot wait to meet him. I am constantly thinking about what he is going to look like. 

Looking forward to: My Doctor's appointment this month! 

A HUGE PS: Did you know that there are only 4 months, 24 days, 11 hours, and 15 minutes until my due date! HELLO. 21 weeks people!! aka 147 days. 

Baby furniture should be here at the end of the month!!! I'm doing navy in his room but not 100% on the accent color just yet. Here is the crib we went with and also ordered the matching dresser: 

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