Wednesday, June 11, 2014

It's SUMMER time!

….which hopefully means time for blogging!

Croix is crawling around this place like he owns it. He is also starting to pull up on things around the house. We recently had family pictures taken and they turned out amazing. As always, Aimee Junnila took the pictures. She is amazing.

Too much cuteness in one photo. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Long time, no read.

Is anyone still reading? I've fallen off the blogging wagon. I wish I had time. Maybe over the summer I can catch up.

Croix is 32 weeks. He has TWO bottom teeth and he is CRAWLING. Time is flying, people.

Take a look at this handsome little guy. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Life with a baby...

Life with a baby…leaves no time for blogging! I wish I could find the time to keep this blog updated but it is just down right impossible right now.

Maybe if I post a picture every once in a while…you will forgive me?!

Croix is 21 weeks now. He has rolled over several times (but he will never do it for the camera). He is laughing, cooing, and smiling. He is the happiest baby you will ever, ever meet!

Aimee Junnila Photography.

*You do NOT have permission to Pin this photo to Pinterest, or any other site.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Please forgive me...

I have been seriously slacking on this blog. I was hoping to keep it going on a regular basis--but that just isn't working out. Croix is 13 weeks now and cuter than EVER. He keeps me extremely busy and when he's napping…well, I'm napping too! :)

We hope you had a very Merry Christmas…

And a Happy New Year too!