Wednesday, August 28, 2013

36 weeks {9 Months}

Close up:

How far along? 36 weeks 

Size of baby: According to the ultrasound on Wednesday, Croix is 5 lbs. 10 oz. 

Total weight gain:  Gained 2 more pounds this week. Total weight gain: 34 lbs. OMG! I really don't think this belly can get any bigger than it already is. 

Maternity clothes? Nothing new. 

Stretch marks? On my belly and my girls. 

Sleep: Decent.

Best moment this week:  Seeing Croix's sweet little face during our last ultrasound appointment on Wednesday (see picture below). Next time we see him we will be able to squeeze and kiss his face! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: No

Gender:  Baby Boy.

Belly Button in or out? Innie still...but I get more and more nervous as the days go on. 

Wedding rings on or off?  Bands AND ring are now off. 

Miss Anything? Too many things to name. 

Food cravings: Mexican: chips & queso!! 

Labor Signs: Nope! See below for my first experience getting "checked".

Symptoms: Same things: back ache, swollen feet and fingers, big belly, BIG FACE. See my face in this picture? It's getting rounder and rounder (that's my nice was of saying fatter and fatter). 

Happy or moody? Happy about meeting our baby soon and scared to death about giving birth., so scared TERRIFIED.  

Looking forward to: Holding this baby boy in my arms, squeezing his face, and kissing his cheeks until they fall off. 

My first official "weekly" checkup:

Well, I have known for a couple weeks now that on Wednesday of this week I was going to have my cervix checked to see if I have dilated any. do I put this appropriately? THAT CRAP WAS HORRIBLE. I was not expecting that. Actually, I don't know what I was expecting. I knew the doctor was going to (pardon my frankness) stick his fingers inside of me to check my cervix but I absolutely DID NOT expect it to feel like that. Let me tell you something......nothing else can fit inside of my body at this point. absolutely nothing. It's too cramped in there and what I went through today was pure torture and no woman at 9 months pregnant should have to endure that type of uncomfortableness or pain. Now, I may be a wuss when it comes to stuff like this....but if you don't know what I'm talking about, here is a little comparison for ya: Your yearly exam x10,000. And I am NOT exaggeration on the x10,000 part. I was sweating like a pig and holding my hands on my face while the nurse AND Doctor were saying "it's will only last a second or two...just try to PUSH/push against me!" ...Push? Push against you?  I'm clinching with all of my might because you are practically KILLING me. I don't know how to push yet!! And I seriously have to work on that...I really couldn't focus on pushing under pressure. I was totally looking forward to these weekly, not so much. I don't want to think about that feeling again until next Wednesday at 4:00. Now do you understand why I am terrified to give birth? I can't even handle the prep work....

Side notes: I cannot believe I am 9 months pregnant! When I hit 37 weeks next Thursday, Croix will be considered "full term" and could come at any point between then and 40 weeks. Crazy how close we are getting to his arrival. I am so anxious and I get anxiety thinking about him coming when I am least expecting it!! I would like at least a 2 day notice so that I can physically and mentally prepare myself. Haha. 

Check back tomorrow evening for a post on Croix's nursery. I felt like it deserved it's own post...because it's just so darn cute. 

Here is your weekly dose of cuteness: 

And here are the Moon's guesses for Croix's due date: 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

35 weeks

Close up:

How far along? 35 weeks 

Size of baby: Huge. About the size of a large cantaloupe and around 5.5 lbs. 

Total weight gain:  On my gosh. I gained 4 pounds this past week. WHAT?! Goodness gracious. This 3-4 pounds a week thing is NOT settling well with me. Total weight gain: 32 lbs. The Doc assures me that "this is normal for someone who wasn't over weight to begin with"...well, what the heck: I'm going to be over weight after I give birth!!

Maternity clothes? Nothing new. 

Stretch marks? Two small patches on my lower belly and on my girls. 

Sleep: Sleep is going wonderful now that I am back to work. I am completely exhausted. I even think using the word exhausted is a huge understatement. 

Best moment this week:  Setting up my doctor's appointment for next week for the LAST ultrasound!! After next Wednesday, the next time we will see Croix is when we are holding his precious, tiny little body in our arms! AH! SO. DARN. CLOSE.

Anything making you queasy or sick: No

Gender:  A ninja....I mean a little boy, who loves to move around 24/7.

Belly Button in or out? She's still in....but honestly on the verge of poppin'.

Wedding rings on or off?  Bands AND ring are now off. 

Miss Anything? Breathing normal, no back pain, drinking lots of diet soda, my once tiny feet and fingers, a slimmer face, smaller thighs, you know?...just the standard stuff ;) 

Food cravings: Nothing new this week. Still loving fried pickles and of course, ice cream. 

Labor Signs: I thought maybe I had some Braxton Hicks today at work but honestly, I don't know. Remember last week? I was having contractions but wasn't feeling them. Could this be a good sign? HELLO!!  :)

Symptoms: Back aches, acid reflux, swollen fingers and feet like CRAZY. I started back to work this week. OH MY GOSH. I am trying to sit as much as possible but there only so many times I am able to sit down throughout the day. My back is KILLING me and my fingers and feet are so big towards the end of the day. Little sausage's actually quite ugly. I tried wearing flats yesterday to work while volunteering for car duty....HORRIBLE DECISION. I've given up on car duty and definitely given up on flats. It's air conditioned "hall duty" and flip flops from here on out, people. 

Happy or moody? So, so, so, SO happy. John and I sit here in the living room watching TV saying things like "next month we are going to have a baby in here with us". Or if we are out to eat and we hear a kid crying or acting up we say "Croix will NEVER do that!"....hahaha (I know what you're thinking...). We talk about who Croix will look like and how our lives will change for the better once he is here. We can't wait for our little family to be complete

Looking forward to: Next Wednesday: last ultrasound and the doctors are going to start checking my cervix to see if I am dilating any! HOLY SMOKES. It's ON friends!! 

Good news: The nursery is complete. Bad news: I am too lazy to get this big belly off this couch to go and take pictures of it. Next week, I promise. And it's totally worth the wait! I am completely in love with the way it turned out. 

35 days (or less!)

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

34 weeks & a very long post

Close up:

How far along? 34 weeks 

Size of baby: BIG. Should be around 5ish pounds. 

Total weight gain:  Well, I unexpectedly went to the doctor's office on Monday (more on that down below) and I gained 3.5 pounds in a WEEK. What on EARTH. My doctor told me 1 pound per week is 'normal' and the nurse tells me that 3-4 pounds per week is 'normal'. I think she was just trying to make me feel better. So, now I am at a total weight gain of: 28 pounds!!!!! Holy smokes. 

Maternity clothes? Nothing new. 

Stretch marks? Two small patches on my lower belly and on my girls. 

Sleep: Well my friends, I have officially moved out. Moved out of our master bedroom that is. I am now sleeping in the guest room and let me tell you's the best decision I have made. I get WAY more sleep in that bed. I still wake up to go to the bathroom around 2:00 -3:00 AM and have to walk waddle across the house to use the bathroom because the guest bath is currently in the middle of being renovated. 

Best moment this week:  Hearing our baby boy's heart beat after a very stressful afternoon!! (more on this below).

Anything making you queasy or sick: No

Gender:  BOY.

Belly Button in or out? IN.

Wedding rings on or off?  Bands AND ring are now off. 

Miss Anything? A normal that doesn't ache. 

Food cravings: Refer to the board this week :) Huge emphasis on FRIED PICKLES. 

Labor Signs: No and I'm scared I am not going to know the difference between Braxton Hicks and contractions.

Symptoms: Back aches, acid reflux, swollen fingers when I'm hot...the usual :)

Happy or moody? Happy. Blessed. Grateful. Anxious.

Looking forward to: Hitting week 37!! ...Then I will be considered FULL TERM! It's crazy to think that this little boy can come anytime between 3-6 weeks! I am hoping more towards the 6 week mark because I want him to be as close to 40 weeks as possible .....but NOT a day over!! :) I am really hoping he comes on his due date...but that rarely EVER happens (wishful thinking!!).

Ok: So I have a little very long story for ya....

Friday afternoon I was at a friends house. She was having an 'end of the summer' pool party. Of course you know I wasn't swimming. In fact I was sitting down inside on her couch (IN THE AC) with my feet propped up on the ottoman for about 2 hours...just chatting with girlfriends from work. I decided I needed to go to the bathroom so I excused myself. Once in the bathroom I noticed a fairly decent amount of blood in my underwear (we are getting real personal here people...I have to document it all!). I immediately FREAK OUT and started to panic.  I know that bleeding anytime during your pregnancy is never a good least that's what I was told. I didn't know what to do...was I supposed to go out and let everyone see me like this? or was I supposed to get myself together, walk out and just tell everyone I was leaving. I chose to go with the 2nd option- less dramatic. I got my keys, said my goodbye's, and RAN to my car. I closed the door and cried my eyes out for a good minute before I calmed down enough to call the nurse at the doctor's office. I could barely get out my problem to her on the phone because I was panicking and my voice was cracking so bad. I was trying so hard to keep it together. I was terrified. Every horror story about someone losing their baby people thought they had to share with me these past 8 months were running through my mind. I was assuming the worst. Now, once the nurse understood what I was saying my panic level WENT TO AN ALL TIME HIGH. Her response to me was "how far along are you? oh, that's not need to get to the ER NOW!!". So...I hung up, cried a little harder, put my car in drive and called John. Then, I called my Mom. They both met me at the hospital. It was the longest ride to Celebration ever. I walked into the ER, mascara running down my face, looking like a hot mess and asked for directions to "The Baby Place". I could tell John was scared too. We didn't speak a word the entire way up to the 4th floor of the hospital. After asking several questions they placed me in triage. It was a tiny room that John and I barely fit into. My Mom wasn't allowed back so she waited in the waiting room. The first thing they did was hook me up to a heart beat monitor. The second we heard that sweet sound we both started to cry (don't tell him I told you that). I looked over at John and my heart melted, you could tell that he was just so happy to hear that sound. We both were. It was the sound of relief. We knew our baby was okay at that moment in time. I sighed the biggest sigh and put my head back on the pillow. I could finally breath. The nurse looked at me and said "well, that's a good sign". They called my doctor and he ordered a ultrasound. I was wheeled downstairs (by the way- being in a wheel chair is so embarrassing to me. I felt like people were starring at me. I was perfectly capable of walking and I insisted but the transportation guy would not allow me too). In the ultrasound room I kept asking questions. The nurse kept telling me "I am not allowed to tell you any results"...but I kept asking probing questions anyways. I wanted SOME sort of information out of her. As she was leaving and I was getting cleaned off she whispered to me "I'm not supposed to tell you this but I want to let you know that you can stop worrying. Everything looks fine." And then she walked out. Another sigh of relief!! I shared the news with John. We went back upstairs and the nurse gave me a tiny blue pill to "calm my cervix"....BECAUSE I WAS HAVING MILD CONTRACTIONS!! I didn't feel a thing and was wondering why she was asking me so many times if I was having contractions. At one point she looked at me and said "you can't feel that?". I guess that's a good sign! Maybe I won't feel my contractions during labor (hahaha there goes that wishful thinking again). The nurse read my results from the ultrasound and told me that I wasn't to report back to work until I saw my doctor again and sent us on our merry way. They never told me the cause of the bleeding- they don't even know...only mentioned that everything looks normal and that I needed to follow up with another appointment on Monday. We left the hospital, went to eat at Moes, and I stayed on the couch all weekend long (ok, maybe I mopped one time---shhh!!) Monday morning I went to the doctor, they cleared me to go back to work, and since last Saturday I have had no more bleeding. This may not seem like a big deal to most. In fact, some friends have told me that this happened to them during all of their pregnancies. However, when it's your first baby, you have no clue what to expect, having blood come out of you when it's not 'supposed' too, can cause you to have a panic attack. We are so very thankful that this turned out to be nothing and we are extremely grateful that Croix is still healthy. I hope no one has to go through that feeling. It was absolutely horrible not knowing if there was something wrong with him.

On to my next story....

John and I toured the hospital on Tuesday night (yes, even though we went in for the emergency visit Friday before). It was such a nice little tour. I love celebration hospital. Everyone seems so friendly there (let's hope I still feel the same while I am in labor). The first room we visited was the "Labor and Delivery room". Well, this is where is all went down hill for me. We walked in (with 3 other couples) and my hands start to immediately sweat---like, really sweat. I take a look around and wait for it.....I START TO CRY. Hahaha. Isn't that funny? I quickly caught myself and sucked it up. The girl giving the tour looked at me with a concerned look and I quickly looked away hoping she wouldn't call me out. Thank goodness she didn't. No one noticed, not even John. I was extremely OVERWHELMED and TERRIFIED the second I entered that room. When I mentioned I am scared to give birth, it was not a lie. At all. I imagined myself laying in that bed with the doctor and nurses all around me and I just couldn't handle it. I am really nervous for how this is all going to play out. I do NOT deal well with pain. I absolutely hate hospitals. They all gross me out and I associate them with bad events. Everyone keeps telling me "it will all be worth it when he comes and you get to hold him for the first time"...Yes, I understand that and even agree with that statement BUT I SITLL HAVE TO GET THROUGH THE BIRTHING PROCESS PEOPLE!!!!! Epidural or not (but definitely Epidural) it's a scary, scary thing to think about. I'm hoping that as the weeks go on I will be less and less terrified and just overwhelmed with the fact that he will soon be here. Let's pray for thaT, OK?. I don't want to have a heart attack while in the hospital trying to deliver our first born son. 

Now-- enough with the dramatic stories! Positive note: 6 MORE WEEKS. That's 43 days from today!! Can I get an AMEN!?? 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

33 weeks

                                                                                             Close up:

How far along? 33 weeks 

Size of baby: Over 4 pounds and about 19 inches long. I told you last week he was the size of a pineapple, but I was wrong. Croix is about the size of a pineapple this week :)

Total weight gain:  I've gained 2 pounds in 2 weeks. My doc told me from here on out I should gain 1 pound per I am right on track. Total weight gain so far: 24.5 lbs. 

Maternity clothes? Nothing new. 

Stretch marks? Two small patches on my lower belly and on my girls. 

Sleep: Oh my gosh. MISERABLE. I hope that when I go back to work next week I'm so exhausted when I get home that I am able to sleep through the night. 

Best moment this week:  Finding out that Croix is 'head down'! He is getting ready to roll! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: No

Gender:  Sweet baby boy. 

Belly Button in or out? IN.

Wedding rings on or off?  Bands AND ring are now off. 

Miss Anything? Breathing normal, walking around without a backache, moving at a fast pace, not sweating so much, eating chicken (can you believe I just said that? I don't miss actual chicken- but I miss OPTIONS when I am out to eat!!! Cutting chicken out of your diet is hard work). This list could go on and on. It's all worth is for our baby boy though! 

Food cravings: Chips and SALSA and anything SWEET. 

Labor Signs: No. I hope I can determine the difference between Braxton Hicks and actual contractions...

Symptoms: My back. My back. My achy breaky back. When I am sitting down it doesn't give me problems at all. The second I stand up and let all this weight sit on my lower back bones and hips...oh wow...a piercing pain for about 3 seconds. When I am laying down it aches as well. And you should see me trying to toss and turn while I'm in bed- it's hilarious!! 

Happy or moody? HAPPPPPPPY. This week my Mamaw came over to help me wash some of Croix's newborn clothes. It made me so happy to see a pile of tiny folded baby boy clothes sitting on my couch. It absolutely melted my heart. 


  • I had my family baby shower this weekend (with a few special friends) and it was PERFECT. My Cousin Wendi and Aunt Janie did a wonderful job of decorating. Everything was wonderful. I love when family comes into town. It's always a great time. Croix was of course spoiled with lots of gifts. We are pretty much set with everything we need for him. The only thing I need to get is a bath tub and some bibs. Then we will officially be set for him!  

  • The nursery is coming along great. I am still waiting on some items to come in the mail. I know I keep saying this but I promise to have pictures posted as soon as everything is complete. We are so close to being finished! 

  • I go back to the doctor on August 21st. Then I will schedule an appointment on a weekly basis from there on out. 

  • Can you believe we only have 7 weeks left?! IS THAT A JOKE? TIME. IS. FLYING. That's 49 days. 

Have a lovely week!