Thursday, August 22, 2013

35 weeks

Close up:

How far along? 35 weeks 

Size of baby: Huge. About the size of a large cantaloupe and around 5.5 lbs. 

Total weight gain:  On my gosh. I gained 4 pounds this past week. WHAT?! Goodness gracious. This 3-4 pounds a week thing is NOT settling well with me. Total weight gain: 32 lbs. The Doc assures me that "this is normal for someone who wasn't over weight to begin with"...well, what the heck: I'm going to be over weight after I give birth!!

Maternity clothes? Nothing new. 

Stretch marks? Two small patches on my lower belly and on my girls. 

Sleep: Sleep is going wonderful now that I am back to work. I am completely exhausted. I even think using the word exhausted is a huge understatement. 

Best moment this week:  Setting up my doctor's appointment for next week for the LAST ultrasound!! After next Wednesday, the next time we will see Croix is when we are holding his precious, tiny little body in our arms! AH! SO. DARN. CLOSE.

Anything making you queasy or sick: No

Gender:  A ninja....I mean a little boy, who loves to move around 24/7.

Belly Button in or out? She's still in....but honestly on the verge of poppin'.

Wedding rings on or off?  Bands AND ring are now off. 

Miss Anything? Breathing normal, no back pain, drinking lots of diet soda, my once tiny feet and fingers, a slimmer face, smaller thighs, you know?...just the standard stuff ;) 

Food cravings: Nothing new this week. Still loving fried pickles and of course, ice cream. 

Labor Signs: I thought maybe I had some Braxton Hicks today at work but honestly, I don't know. Remember last week? I was having contractions but wasn't feeling them. Could this be a good sign? HELLO!!  :)

Symptoms: Back aches, acid reflux, swollen fingers and feet like CRAZY. I started back to work this week. OH MY GOSH. I am trying to sit as much as possible but there only so many times I am able to sit down throughout the day. My back is KILLING me and my fingers and feet are so big towards the end of the day. Little sausage's actually quite ugly. I tried wearing flats yesterday to work while volunteering for car duty....HORRIBLE DECISION. I've given up on car duty and definitely given up on flats. It's air conditioned "hall duty" and flip flops from here on out, people. 

Happy or moody? So, so, so, SO happy. John and I sit here in the living room watching TV saying things like "next month we are going to have a baby in here with us". Or if we are out to eat and we hear a kid crying or acting up we say "Croix will NEVER do that!"....hahaha (I know what you're thinking...). We talk about who Croix will look like and how our lives will change for the better once he is here. We can't wait for our little family to be complete

Looking forward to: Next Wednesday: last ultrasound and the doctors are going to start checking my cervix to see if I am dilating any! HOLY SMOKES. It's ON friends!! 

Good news: The nursery is complete. Bad news: I am too lazy to get this big belly off this couch to go and take pictures of it. Next week, I promise. And it's totally worth the wait! I am completely in love with the way it turned out. 

35 days (or less!)

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