Friday, March 29, 2013

14 weeks: Happy Easter!

Close up: 

How far along? 14 weeks

Total weight gain: Haven't weighed myself since the doctor. But if I had to guess, I'd say I definitely gained that half a pound back! ;) 

Maternity clothes? Still wearing my normal clothes (just filling them out a little more than usual). I did buy a new dress at Target in the next size up!  Hopefully I can get away with doing that for awhile. I've only found one website with cute maternity clothes...nothing in stores! 

Stretch marks? No. 

Sleep: It's really annoying getting up 5 times throughout the night to pee. I'm not really liking that. Also, sleeping on my side is not my cup of tea, but I'm slowly getting use to it. Sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night and completely freak out because I'll notice that I've been sleeping on my stomach. Sorry for squishing you, Baby Moon. I'm on Spring Break this week so I have been sleeping in and staying up late! Woo. 

Best moment this week:  Hearing from the Doctor's office that all my blood work came back normal. Baby Moon is a healthy baby so far. And eating sushi for the first time in 3 months...with no raw fish of course. 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Just ch*ck*n! I have been slowly incorporating lettuce and fruits since I have been feeling better- thank goodness. 

Gender: I went to Babies R Us yesterday and about died with all the cuteness. I can hardly contain myself. I N-E-E-D to know if this baby is a BOY or GIRL! 

Belly Button in or out? INNIE. I have nightmares about an outtie. 

Wedding rings on or off? On

Miss Anything? I'd really love to eat a cold cut sandwich. I was told by my Doctor not to eat lunch meat because of the bacteria it can have. I am allowed to "heat the meat up on the stove" but let's get real, who does that?! 

Food cravings: Still on the onion ring and BBQ sauce kick. I just need to bite the bullet and get some. Maybe today. 

Labor Signs: I should probably take this question out until end of this pregnancy.

Symptoms:  Well.......let me start off by saying that I am STILL feeling so much better than I was during weeks 5-13. But ever since Tuesday of this week I have been getting sick in the mornings again. I was doing so good---WHYYYY?!!?  And sometimes it comes without warning, which is no fun at all. I have also been getting head aches like nobodies business. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: So happy. Especially now that I am feeling more myself. I am also feeling extremely anxious and overwhelmed. I feel like I can't do much preparing without a GENDER!! 

Looking forward to: Finding out if Baby Moon will be a baby boy or a baby girl. Only 39 more days, or less (less pray it's less---for everyone's sake!).

I hope you all have a HAPPY EASTER! 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

13 weeks: Hello 2nd Trimester!

Close up: 

How far along? 13 weeks

Total weight gain: I lost half a pound actually....probably from all this sickness. 

Maternity clothes? Not yet. But I am anxiously waiting for this belly to POP. I'm in the "is she fat?" or  "is she pregnant?" stage. 

Stretch marks? No. But, did you know that no matter how much special cream you put on your body you will STILL get stretch marks? Well, that's what the Doc told me. But I'll still use it!! 

Sleep: At the beginning of this week I was miserable...waking up at 3:00 AM and then again at 6:00 AM, getting sick. Finally, starting Wednesday night I was able to sleep straight through the night. 

Best moment this week: Hearing the baby's heart beat and seeing that sweet little body in my belly on the sonogram screen. He/She was even moving around for us!! Little wiggle worm (still can't feel it yet though). 

Anything making you queasy or sick: An easier question to answer would be "What ISN'T making you sick?" 

Gender: The Doctor told me we could find out as early as 18 weeks BUT he recommends waiting until 20 weeks. I have read so many blogs about how these girls go in early for the gender reveal and later find out the sex is actually the OPPOSITE! Could you imagine?? So, as anxious as we are, I think we will wait until 20 weeks. Which will be the first week in May. Not TOO much longer.   :)

Belly Button in or out? INNIE. 

Wedding rings on or off? On

Miss Anything? Being able to take a deep breath and eating normal meals.

Food cravings: Well this week I wanted Burger King onion rings with BBQ sauce- YUMMY!! ....but don't worry- I fought that urge. 

Labor Signs: I should probably take this question out until end of this pregnancy.

Symptoms:  Well, let me start off by saying that Tuesday was THE. WORST. DAY. in history for me so far. I lost count of how many times I got sick. I was forced to tell my kids I was pregnant because I was tripping over them trying to get to the trash can (they were so cute after I told them). PRAISE THE LORD, my Doctor prescribed me new medicine (Zofran). I started taking it Wednesday and CAN I GET AN AMEN FOR THAT?! This medicine is working WONDERS!! I still wasn't feeling 100% but honestly, anything better than what I was feeling like before was pure happiness. Even my kids noticed a difference! "Mrs. Moon, are you feeling better today? because you are in a good mood". Haha. Poor kids. Thursday morning was the first day of my 2nd trimester and I woke up feeling like a NEW WOMAN! I can get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom without stopping at the sink ;)  I. FEEL. SO. GOOD. 7 weeks of straight sickness!! I forgot what "feeling normal" felt like.  I am slowly weaning myself off the medicine. Friday I took only 1 pill and today (Saturday) I haven't taken any. LET'S HOPE IT STAYS THIS WAY PEOPLE!!! ....for everyone's sake-- especially John's (I have been slacking on my wifely duties). 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Over the MOON.  I am really itching to buy something baby related. 

Looking forward to: This belly POPPIN' out! 


Monday I went to the doctor. My Mom came with me. We thought it was only going to be blood work and a quick check in with the doctor...BUTTT....I had a SONOGRAM!! I was so excited when the sonogram lady called me to the back. It was such a nice surprise. We got to hear the baby's heart beat. My Mom was so excited. I asked the lady if I could record the sound on my phone and she let me. I've listened to it about 100 times between then and now. It is such an amazing sound! So amazing, that I will share it with you! :)

Does that not put a smile on your face???

They also took 7 tubes of blood and I almost died. I HATE NEEDLES (does anyone like them???). 

And can we talk about how big this baby has gotten!?!! From the first ultra sound at 8 weeks until now? Holy smokes. You can see a head, arm, leg, hip, and little butt!

See ya next week! 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

12 weeks! First "OFFICIAL" post!!

Hello all! So this is basically what you will see each week:  An updated weekly picture taken by my very best friend, Kristen Gorman...followed by some questions. Enjoy!

A little close up for ya....Yes, I made the chalkboard. 

How far along? 12 weeks

Total weight gain: Not sure yet...I go to the doctor's again on Monday the 18th. 

Maternity clothes? The shirt in this picture is actually a maternity shirt. I wanted to wear the same shirt the entire time so it will really show off my belly. The website said "will stretch with stomach"...haha so we will see about that. Other than that, I am wearing my normal clothes still. I do however have to use the "hair tie method" with some jeans...a little bit of bloating going on in the stomach area!! :) 

Stretch marks? Nope and hoping they never come. 

Sleep: I wake up constantly through out the night time. I haven't gotten a full nights sleep since week 5 and I hear it's only going to get worse. 

Best moment this week: Making it to the 3 month mark!!! :) 

Anything making you queasy or sick: any type of M-E-A-T...especially ch*ck*n. (I can't even spell it without throwing up in my mouth-literally). 

Gender: We won't find out until the week of Mother's fitting :)  

Belly Button in or out? In and I may die if it ever pokes out. 

Wedding rings on or off? On

Miss Anything? Well, just a couple of things. Sushi, lunch meat, bologna, and ever since Kristen told me about the new Strawberry Beer-ritas....A MARGARITA sounds really good right now.   

Food cravings: No real cravings yet. I can't really eat much. Nothing seems pleasing. Every time I have an actual meal (like mexican or Catfish Place) I get sick afterwards. Basically, I have been living off of pizza and mac-n-cheese. I really hope this sickness goes away because I swore I was going to be the "healthy pregnant lady" (which I was from week 4-5, haha). 

Labor Signs: Um no, that won't be happening for at least another 28 weeks.

Symptoms: ALL. DAY. SICKNESS. 24/7. At the crack of dawn (6:10 to be exact) I am up and at em' in the sink of my bathroom. Luckily I have medicine to help out a little with the nausea. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and excited...but not if you ask John. He says I complain a lot. But wouldn't you if you felt like you had to throw up all day long? :) He is such a trooper. Bless his soul for the rest of this journey ;)

Looking forward to: Monday evening when I get to hear the heart beat for the 2nd time!!!! 

Announcement Photo

Our favorite photographer, Aimee Junnila, took this sweet announcement photo. 

FINALLY we are able to shout it from the roof tops! 

Friday, March 15, 2013

8 weeks & a Heart beat.

To say today was the most exciting, terrificamazing, MAGNIFICENT day of our lives (so far) would be a huge understatement. I am 8 weeks, 4 days today and we got to hear the sound of Little Baby Moon's heart beat for the first time. It was only for a total of what seemed like 30 seconds ...but it was pure bliss. The nurse had us in and out of that room in 2 minutes flat. Where was our first time parent compassion?! HELLO. I wanted to record it on my phone. I need to play that every morning at 6:10 AM when I am curling over my bathroom vanity. It would be a great reminder that all this sickness is completely and totally worth every second.

We also got the cutest little photos while we were at the Doc's today. John says he/she looks like a "dung beetle"- haha.

Her/his first photo:

I may be a little bias, but I definitely think this baby is the cutest one I have ever seen ;)  This little bundle of joy is still a secret to most. We aren't finished telling family at this point and still need to share with friends. We can't wait until we are able to shout this news from the mountain tops!

WE. ARE. HAVING. A. BABY!!! I have been waiting so long to say those words.

Our next appointment is March 18th --for blood work. At that point I will be uploading weekly pictures!! :) This is going to be so much fun.

PS: The countdown is on to week 20! --- We get to find out if we will be shopping for bows or boots!

& Then There Were Three...

John and I are thrilled to announce that we are expecting a BABY in September 2013! 

It was Thursday, January 18, 2013. I was driving home from work trying to talk myself out of purchasing another pregnancy test. I was trying so hard not blow money anymore on those things! I passed CVS on my way home from work and had some good strong will (probably because I knew there was a Walgreens about 6 miles down the road, haha). I couldn't fight my urge when passing the Walgreens. I was in and out in about 3 minutes flat. Why am I embarrassed to purchase a pregnancy test at my age...AND being a MARRIED woman? Anyways, I bought a two pack and raced home. Before I even let Joben outside I peed on the stick. Nothing happened. I was angry because I have purchased tests before that are "duds". I decided to take Joben out....drink lots of water and then try again with the second stick. I walked back into the bathroom to clean up my mess (I ripped that box open like it was nothing, leaving paper all over the floor because I was so anxious). I looked down at stick #1 and ABOUT PEED MYSELF WITH EXCITMENT. I screamed. I cried. I jumped up and down. I picked Joben up and squeezed him. I prayed and thanked God. I cried some more. And if you are wondering about stick #2...I peed on it too... just to make sure ;)

 ..... And then I thought about how I was going to tell Johnny Boy. I didn't want to tell him over the phone because I wanted to see his sweet face hearing the news. I decided I was going to write our amazing news on our chalkboard (which I purposely bought a LONG time ago for our 'future' pregnancy photos).

I think I texted John 100 times asking when he would be home and asking if he could come home early. My original plan was to have him come in the living room to see the chalkboard himself. However, that didn't work out. As soon as he stepped one foot in this house I screamed "GUESS WHAT? I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!" It was the happiest moment. We have been waiting for this for quite some time. We have been through a lot and are so very thankful for this little blessing in my belly.

I will be updating this blog weekly for close friends and family (near and far). This is a great way to keep everyone updated. Please, join us on this amazing journey! <3

Love you all,

Ps: If you are coming across this blog by chance please do not pin any pictures to Pinterest. Thank you for your understanding.