Friday, March 15, 2013

& Then There Were Three...

John and I are thrilled to announce that we are expecting a BABY in September 2013! 

It was Thursday, January 18, 2013. I was driving home from work trying to talk myself out of purchasing another pregnancy test. I was trying so hard not blow money anymore on those things! I passed CVS on my way home from work and had some good strong will (probably because I knew there was a Walgreens about 6 miles down the road, haha). I couldn't fight my urge when passing the Walgreens. I was in and out in about 3 minutes flat. Why am I embarrassed to purchase a pregnancy test at my age...AND being a MARRIED woman? Anyways, I bought a two pack and raced home. Before I even let Joben outside I peed on the stick. Nothing happened. I was angry because I have purchased tests before that are "duds". I decided to take Joben out....drink lots of water and then try again with the second stick. I walked back into the bathroom to clean up my mess (I ripped that box open like it was nothing, leaving paper all over the floor because I was so anxious). I looked down at stick #1 and ABOUT PEED MYSELF WITH EXCITMENT. I screamed. I cried. I jumped up and down. I picked Joben up and squeezed him. I prayed and thanked God. I cried some more. And if you are wondering about stick #2...I peed on it too... just to make sure ;)

 ..... And then I thought about how I was going to tell Johnny Boy. I didn't want to tell him over the phone because I wanted to see his sweet face hearing the news. I decided I was going to write our amazing news on our chalkboard (which I purposely bought a LONG time ago for our 'future' pregnancy photos).

I think I texted John 100 times asking when he would be home and asking if he could come home early. My original plan was to have him come in the living room to see the chalkboard himself. However, that didn't work out. As soon as he stepped one foot in this house I screamed "GUESS WHAT? I'M PREGNANT!!!!!!!" It was the happiest moment. We have been waiting for this for quite some time. We have been through a lot and are so very thankful for this little blessing in my belly.

I will be updating this blog weekly for close friends and family (near and far). This is a great way to keep everyone updated. Please, join us on this amazing journey! <3

Love you all,

Ps: If you are coming across this blog by chance please do not pin any pictures to Pinterest. Thank you for your understanding. 

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