Saturday, March 23, 2013

13 weeks: Hello 2nd Trimester!

Close up: 

How far along? 13 weeks

Total weight gain: I lost half a pound actually....probably from all this sickness. 

Maternity clothes? Not yet. But I am anxiously waiting for this belly to POP. I'm in the "is she fat?" or  "is she pregnant?" stage. 

Stretch marks? No. But, did you know that no matter how much special cream you put on your body you will STILL get stretch marks? Well, that's what the Doc told me. But I'll still use it!! 

Sleep: At the beginning of this week I was miserable...waking up at 3:00 AM and then again at 6:00 AM, getting sick. Finally, starting Wednesday night I was able to sleep straight through the night. 

Best moment this week: Hearing the baby's heart beat and seeing that sweet little body in my belly on the sonogram screen. He/She was even moving around for us!! Little wiggle worm (still can't feel it yet though). 

Anything making you queasy or sick: An easier question to answer would be "What ISN'T making you sick?" 

Gender: The Doctor told me we could find out as early as 18 weeks BUT he recommends waiting until 20 weeks. I have read so many blogs about how these girls go in early for the gender reveal and later find out the sex is actually the OPPOSITE! Could you imagine?? So, as anxious as we are, I think we will wait until 20 weeks. Which will be the first week in May. Not TOO much longer.   :)

Belly Button in or out? INNIE. 

Wedding rings on or off? On

Miss Anything? Being able to take a deep breath and eating normal meals.

Food cravings: Well this week I wanted Burger King onion rings with BBQ sauce- YUMMY!! ....but don't worry- I fought that urge. 

Labor Signs: I should probably take this question out until end of this pregnancy.

Symptoms:  Well, let me start off by saying that Tuesday was THE. WORST. DAY. in history for me so far. I lost count of how many times I got sick. I was forced to tell my kids I was pregnant because I was tripping over them trying to get to the trash can (they were so cute after I told them). PRAISE THE LORD, my Doctor prescribed me new medicine (Zofran). I started taking it Wednesday and CAN I GET AN AMEN FOR THAT?! This medicine is working WONDERS!! I still wasn't feeling 100% but honestly, anything better than what I was feeling like before was pure happiness. Even my kids noticed a difference! "Mrs. Moon, are you feeling better today? because you are in a good mood". Haha. Poor kids. Thursday morning was the first day of my 2nd trimester and I woke up feeling like a NEW WOMAN! I can get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom without stopping at the sink ;)  I. FEEL. SO. GOOD. 7 weeks of straight sickness!! I forgot what "feeling normal" felt like.  I am slowly weaning myself off the medicine. Friday I took only 1 pill and today (Saturday) I haven't taken any. LET'S HOPE IT STAYS THIS WAY PEOPLE!!! ....for everyone's sake-- especially John's (I have been slacking on my wifely duties). 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Over the MOON.  I am really itching to buy something baby related. 

Looking forward to: This belly POPPIN' out! 


Monday I went to the doctor. My Mom came with me. We thought it was only going to be blood work and a quick check in with the doctor...BUTTT....I had a SONOGRAM!! I was so excited when the sonogram lady called me to the back. It was such a nice surprise. We got to hear the baby's heart beat. My Mom was so excited. I asked the lady if I could record the sound on my phone and she let me. I've listened to it about 100 times between then and now. It is such an amazing sound! So amazing, that I will share it with you! :)

Does that not put a smile on your face???

They also took 7 tubes of blood and I almost died. I HATE NEEDLES (does anyone like them???). 

And can we talk about how big this baby has gotten!?!! From the first ultra sound at 8 weeks until now? Holy smokes. You can see a head, arm, leg, hip, and little butt!

See ya next week! 

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