Sunday, March 17, 2013

12 weeks! First "OFFICIAL" post!!

Hello all! So this is basically what you will see each week:  An updated weekly picture taken by my very best friend, Kristen Gorman...followed by some questions. Enjoy!

A little close up for ya....Yes, I made the chalkboard. 

How far along? 12 weeks

Total weight gain: Not sure yet...I go to the doctor's again on Monday the 18th. 

Maternity clothes? The shirt in this picture is actually a maternity shirt. I wanted to wear the same shirt the entire time so it will really show off my belly. The website said "will stretch with stomach"...haha so we will see about that. Other than that, I am wearing my normal clothes still. I do however have to use the "hair tie method" with some jeans...a little bit of bloating going on in the stomach area!! :) 

Stretch marks? Nope and hoping they never come. 

Sleep: I wake up constantly through out the night time. I haven't gotten a full nights sleep since week 5 and I hear it's only going to get worse. 

Best moment this week: Making it to the 3 month mark!!! :) 

Anything making you queasy or sick: any type of M-E-A-T...especially ch*ck*n. (I can't even spell it without throwing up in my mouth-literally). 

Gender: We won't find out until the week of Mother's fitting :)  

Belly Button in or out? In and I may die if it ever pokes out. 

Wedding rings on or off? On

Miss Anything? Well, just a couple of things. Sushi, lunch meat, bologna, and ever since Kristen told me about the new Strawberry Beer-ritas....A MARGARITA sounds really good right now.   

Food cravings: No real cravings yet. I can't really eat much. Nothing seems pleasing. Every time I have an actual meal (like mexican or Catfish Place) I get sick afterwards. Basically, I have been living off of pizza and mac-n-cheese. I really hope this sickness goes away because I swore I was going to be the "healthy pregnant lady" (which I was from week 4-5, haha). 

Labor Signs: Um no, that won't be happening for at least another 28 weeks.

Symptoms: ALL. DAY. SICKNESS. 24/7. At the crack of dawn (6:10 to be exact) I am up and at em' in the sink of my bathroom. Luckily I have medicine to help out a little with the nausea. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and excited...but not if you ask John. He says I complain a lot. But wouldn't you if you felt like you had to throw up all day long? :) He is such a trooper. Bless his soul for the rest of this journey ;)

Looking forward to: Monday evening when I get to hear the heart beat for the 2nd time!!!! 


  1. Cassey, this is so you....I love it...Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thank you for being my only comment, FRAN!! & happy to share with you!

  3. Great way to keep us all in the loop, Cas! I'm sure everyone is checking for updates even though they are not commenting. :) you look fantastic! Give John a big hug for us too and tell him to buy a Mac and Cheese cook book ( they exist, I got one as a Christmas gift! )

  4. Thank you!! :) I am definitely going to tell him about that cook book. It sounds amazing.
