Wednesday, April 3, 2013

15 weeks!

Close up: 

How far along? 15 weeks

Total weight gain: Oh goodness. I think I'll stick with only weighing myself when I go to the doctor. I don't even want to know how many pounds I've gained so far! 

Maternity clothes? Still in my normal clothes...milking this for as long as I can! :) Looking into getting the "belly band" because I don't like the way the button on my pants sticks out when I use the hair tie method. 

Stretch marks? No. 

Sleep: My sleep is getting better. I've been falling right asleep after going to the bathroom in the middle of the night (goodness gracious- I go to the bathroom A LOT...I think this baby is literally SITTING on my bladder). 

Best moment this week:  Turning in all of my paper work for FMLA (Florida Medical Leave Act). I will be taking maternity leave from September 26, 2013- January 6, 2014!! (Assuming this baby is punctual). 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Same ol' thing. You already know ;) Will I ever eat chi*ken again? 

Gender: I have done SEVERAL gender predictors online. The "Chinese Gender Predictor" told me one day that it was a girl and then another day that it was a boy. I also did the "string a piece of hair through your wedding ring and hold it over your belly- if it sways back in forth its a boy- if it goes around in a circle it's a girl"....that one told is it was going to be a girl. SO WHO KNOWS?! BUT I'M DYING. LITERALLY DYING, TO FIND OUT. Everyone I talk to thinks it's a girl with all this sickness. Dolores and my Mamaw think it's a boy! May can't get here fast enough. 

Belly Button in or out? She's still an innie. 

Wedding rings on or off? On

Miss Anything? Last week I said I missed a cold cut sandwich, but this week I R-E-A-L-L-Y miss them. It's so hard packing my lunch everyday. I NEED IDEAS PEOPLE. My lunches have consisted of: lunchables (the ones without meat- how boring), mac-n-cheese, and fruit and yogurt. I'm so tired of these options. And I'm not working with many options here. 

Food cravings: Well, take a look at my chalkboard this week. My current obsession: baked potato with a little TON of sour cream (healthy, right?). I don't know why but sour cream and cream cheese have been tasting SO delicious to me. I can really taste the "creaminess". Weird, I know. But I don't know how else to explain it. I've never tasted it this way before! HAHA. 

PS: I totally caved and got those onion rings and BBQ sauce from Burger King I have been talking about. And then TOTALLY regretted it afterwards because my stomach was hurting so bad. But don't worry, it was worth every. single. bite. 

Labor Signs: I'm looking forward to filling out this question one day! That means, I'll be closer to holding and kissing this little Baby Moon! 

Symptoms:  Well folks, ever since Sunday I have officially hit the "morning sickness" stage. And by "morning sickness" I actually mean it!! I  only get sick in the mornings and then I get to go about my business, feeling like a normal human being. I am actually thankful for this. Anything is better than before- that's for sure. No complaints here!! And then there are the occasional several days that I run by Taco Bell and then my stomach hurts for hours after, but that's my own fault. I can't deny this baby it's cravings. That would be awful of me.

Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY! Anxious and happy! All I do it rub this belly all day long. 

Looking forward to: Let's get real...we ALL know the answer to this one: THE GENDER REVEAL! Please Lord, let this month go by fast, really really fast! 

PS: I cut 3 inches off of my hair and I am NOT happy about it. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! 

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