Thursday, April 18, 2013

17 weeks & IT'S A BOY!!!

Close up:

As you know, this Sunday was our little gender reveal party. It was the most exciting day! Franny and Aimee did such a wonderful job of keeping the secret from me and getting the chest of balloons all ready. Shortly after everyone arrived I started to get so overwhelmed. In a good way. I was anxious, excited, nervous, and happy all rolled into one. I cannot even begin to describe the feeling I had right before we opened the chest. It was something I've never felt before. The entire event was everything (and more) I thought it was going to be. Having our family and a few friends there made it even more special. I always visioned finding out the gender of our baby while being surrounded by the people we love the most. Seeing John so happy after he saw those blue balloons brought me to tears. I am so happy to be able to provide him with a son- something he has always dreamed of.  Shortly after opening the chest I literally felt like 50 pounds had been lifted off my shoulders- I can officially make all my visions a reality. I had two nurseries planned- one for a girl and one for a boy. IT'S GO TIME. I will share pictures as we get pieces of furniture for Baby Boy. Yes, we have a name- but you'll have to wait a little longer for that! :) Here is a sweet photo that Aimee put together for us. It captures our emotion so well. 

How far along? 17 weeks

Total weight gain:  Ok ladies. I have gained 1.5 lbs. since my last doctor's visit. But, technically only 1 lb. since the beginning of my pregnancy (since I lost .5 lbs. in the first trimester). I can't believe this poppin' belly has only caused me to gain 1 POUND! 

Maternity clothes? Not yet. 

Stretch marks? No. 

Sleep: Sleep is getting much, much better. And I have been staying up later (about 9-9:30 PM). 

Best moment this week:  FINDING OUT THAT BABY MOON IS A B-O-Y!! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Good news, I can sit next to someone at lunch who is eating chicken without getting sick. But, I still can't eat it myself. 

Gender: BOY BOY BOY BOY BOY!!!! 

Belly Button in or out? in

Wedding rings on or off? on

Miss Anything? Bologna. I really wanted a bologna sandwich this week--with cheese, mustard, and white bread. YUM. I suppose I can have fried bologna- but it's not the same as a cold sandwich

Food cravings: Still on the potato kick. Actually, I am eating mashed potatoes right now. 

Labor Signs: No

Symptoms: Morning sickness (the real kind--that goes away right after I get sick). The usual. 

Happy or Moody most of the time: Over the moon about this baby boy!!! However, I was a tiny little bit moody this weekend trying to get this house in order for everyone to come over. But that's natural right? Hormones. Ha. 

Looking forward to: Our next doctor's visit. We have an anatomy scan on May 15th. That means another ultrasound. I love seeing our baby on the monitor! It just melts my heart! 

Ps: I went shopping right away (Monday after work to be exact). I went a little overboard but I promise not to buy anymore newborn clothes since I know he won't be wearing them for long! Take a look...I just couldn't help myself. CUTENESS OVERLOAD. 

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