Wednesday, September 25, 2013

40 weeks {10 months: DUE DATE}

Close up:

How far along? 40 weeks! TODAY IS OUR DUE DATE. 

Size of baby: Croix is as big as he is going to be and we aren't exactly sure what weight that is at this point. However, we will find out his exact weight and length on Friday when he makes his arrival! 

Total weight gain:  38 pounds is the total weight gain for this entire pregnancy! :) ...and I'm ok with that. Let's pray I can get it off ASAP. 

Maternity clothes? Wearing the same dresses, over and over again. SO LOOKING FORWARD TO GETTING BACK INTO MY OLD CLOTHES AGAIN! YIPPY! 

Stretch marks? They are still there ;) 

Sleep: These past couple of days have been decent with sleep. It has taken me a while to fall asleep because I have a thousand things running through my mind! 

Best moment this week: Walking out of work on Tuesday @ 3:45 knowing that I don't have to go back until after the New Year!! WOO HOO! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Gender:  Baby boy, Croix...who we get to meet on Friday if everything goes according to plan! 

Belly Button in or out? I'm going to go ahead and say that at this point she is a halfsie (half in and half out). My belly is officially stretched to the MAX. I'm surprised I can still fit food in there.  

Wedding rings on or off?  Bands AND ring are now off. 

Miss Anything?  I already miss this belly :( 

Food cravings: CANDY. I have eaten so much candy this week. Wow. 

Labor Signs: Lower cramps but nothing consistent. Pretty sure this baby boy is NOT coming on his own. He is very comfy in here! :)

Symptoms: Swollen BODY. Feet, face, hands, legs, belly, etc. 

Happy or moody? AHHHH!!!!!! Do I even need to answer this!?!? OVER. THE. FREAKING. MOON. EXCITED. 

Looking forward to: Holding our sweet baby boy on Friday :) Gosh, I cannot wait for that moment. ...Something I have imagined for so, so long. 

* CAN YOU BELIEVE WE ARE AT THE DUE DATE OF OUR BABY BOY? WOW. IT'S FINALLY HERE. I'm almost in tears writing this post. What a bitter/sweet post. *

Well folks, today is the day. If this baby doesn't come on his own between now and 8 PM we are going into Celebration Hospital for our induction. They have asked that I call 1 hour in advanced to make sure that they aren't slammed. I am praying that they aren't because I seriously cannot wait one more second to meet Croix. Some people don't agree with getting induced- and that's ok. Everyone has their own opinions. There are pros and cons to every decision you make in life. I personally think that getting induced is the best decision for me, for us. With an induction I can be walked through every little step without being overwhelmed with as much as I would with my water breaking or having contractions on my own. I love the fact that I can walk into the hospital, a normal human being- no pain at all, have someone tell me every little detail/step they are doing to me, and then let things happen with the help of medicine. I like knowing what to expect. It makes me a little more calm about this entire birthing situation. My doc informed me that after I receive pitocin that contractions could start at any point and there really isn't a set time- everyone's body is different. So, we could have this baby in the wee hours of Friday morning....or we could have him late Friday evening. It all depends on how fast my body progresses. I'm still deathly, DEATHLY afraid of giving birth. I have watched videos, read blogs and talked with friends- NOTHING helps with my fear about that. I can only pray that God will give me the strength tomorrow evening to walk into the hospital and do my thing. I pray every night that God blesses our family with a healthy baby boy and a safe delivery for both Croix and myself. Your prayers are greatly appreciated as well :) 

Thank you all for following along each week! It has seriously made this pregnancy go by so fast. Like I said before, I will continue to blog. I just love it so much. Up next: Croix's birth story. You don't want to miss it. 

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