Thursday, September 5, 2013

37 weeks....FULL TERM!!!

Close up:

How far along? 37 weeks 

Size of baby: Croix is the size of a watermelon! Not sure how much more weight he has gained but the doctor told me last week (when he was 5 lbs. 11 oz.) that he was in the 28th percentile for his weight...? Um...that's low, right? John's only request was that I don't give him a "scrawny boy". Opps. 

Total weight gain:  4. MORE. POUNDS. THIS IS GETTING REDIC. I guess I would rather be gaining all this weight in the end rather than throughout the pregnancy. I shouldn't complain...but holy smokes. Now I am up to a whopping 38 LBS! ...BIG MOMMA! 

Maternity clothes? Nothing new.  

Stretch marks? Well. Since my belly is are those patches of stretch marks. John thinks they will "go away". Ha. He's in for a rude awakening. 

Sleep: Actually my sleep has been getting better. It's hard to get comfortable when I first fall asleep, but at least I'm not waking up every hour like I was before. I am still waking up once in the middle of the night to go pee, but I am quickly able to fall back asleep. oh- and still sleeping in the guest room. The bed is just way more comfortable for my back. 

Best moment this week:  Hitting the 37 week mark. We are very thankful that I was able to carry this baby boy to "full term". Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who are unable to carry their babies to full term. If Croix was to be born now he would most likely not have any complications or any reason to stay in the NICU. We are feeling very blessed to be able to get through this pregnancy without any complications thus far (minus the scare, which turned out to be nothing). 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Well a little boy threw up in my room today. I was THIS CLOSE to throwing up along side of him. However, I don't think that is related to pregnancy at all. I would have felt the same way if I weren't pregnant. 

Gender:  B.O.Y 

Belly Button in or out? Ok. So, when I wear my tight maxi dresses it may LOOK like I have an outtie. But let me explain a little something. I made a stupid mistake many moons ago to get my belly button pierced. Well, although when I turned 20 I felt the need to take it out because I was "too old for it", I still have a scar and a little pinch of fat between the pierced hole and my belly button. WELL- that little tiny flab of fat (between my old belly ring hole and my actually belly button hole) pokes out. So it LOOKS like I have an outtie, but I do still in fact have an INNIE. Thank goodness. And Croix better have an innie as well---let me just say that. 

Wedding rings on or off?  Bands AND ring are now off. 

Miss Anything? A nice glass of wine to take away the stress of work. Planning for three months of maternity leave can make one go ABSOLUTELY NUTS. 

Food cravings: Sweets. Oh man. The sweets craving was coming on with a vengeance this week. Maybe that's why I gained 4 lbs???????? 

Labor Signs: NOOOO! I wasn't dilating AT ALL at my check up this week...which went exactly as expected again- HORRIBLE. This time I think it was worse because I knew there was going to be pain.  I was bearing down with all of my might while the doctor kept telling me "it's ok, it's ok...relax". I even put my sunglasses on just in case I started cry <---serious statement. The doctor laughed at me and actually said the words "I should take your picture". Yes, while I was spread eagle on the table with my feet in the stirrups. AWWWKWARD!! 

Symptoms: My back. I am so looking forward to not carrying around all this extra weight. I would be fine with just carrying around Croix's 5 lbs. 11 oz. but noooooo....gotta carry around all the cookies and ice cream too!!!  And my feet. Oh my gosh- they are so ugly and swollen. Ew. 

Happy or moody? Happy and extremely anxious for Croix's arrival! 

Looking forward to: September 26!! Only 21 days away!! 

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